Nze Na Ozo

  • Nze Na Ozo
Nze Na Ozo Nze Na Ozo

Nze Na Ozo


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The Nze na Ozo society  is the highest and most important spiritual religious and social grouping in the Igbo society of Southeast Nigeria.[1 To become Ozo implies that the title holder is now an ‘Nze’ implying living spirit and an ancestor.Ọdu-okike  is a long hollowed elephant tusk carried by the ọzọ titled men in Igbo communities . It is usually recognized as the highest symbol of social status. An okike is not blown arbitrarily, but only on an occasion that symbolizes wealth and power. It is used during installations into ọzọ titleships, ofala and major festivals.Taking Ozo title is extremely expensive with the lower grades costing in excess of US$25,000 in initiation cost and up to another US$2000 in annual subscriptions.In times of crisis, most Igbo communities will rely on Ozo members for leadership. Ozo holders are seen as the conscience of the community and is seen to be a fair adjudicator in cases of disputes within the community

oil painting on Velvet 

L:48in H:45in